MEDiterranean Services Chain based On climate PrEdictions

is a project funded under ERA4CS, the ERA-NET Consortium “European Research Area for Climate Services”.
Duration: 10.2017 –09.2020 (36 months)


MEDSCOPE is a three-year project that will enhance the exploitation of climate predictions from seasonal to decadal timescales, maximising the potential of their application in different economic sectors, public and private, of relevance for the Mediterranean region, here defined as the domain encompassing the Mediterranean basin and the surrounding areas, including North Africa and the Middle East.


To improve our comprehension of the mechanisms driving the climate variability in the Mediterranean region. To provide a set of generalized methods and ready-to-use tools for forecast verification and comprehensive skill assessments. Provide prototypes of climate services products based on end-user tailored climate forecasts at seasonal and multi-annual timescales, in relevant economic sectors for the Mediterranean. The main objectives of MEDSCOPE Project


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